Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a regular Service like?
A: Our worship service starts at 11am, lasts for roughly an hour, and follows a pretty regular order each week. There are Announcements, Prayers, a Story Time for the kids, a Sermon, an Offering is collected and Hymns are sung. Children and youth of all ages are welcome – during the school year they usually leave with their Leaders about half way through the Service.
Q: What Should I Wear?
A: People wear a wide variety of dress at North Runnymede. Some people like to dress up for the Service, though if you come in casual clothes you wouldn’t feel out of place. We encourage everyone to wear clothing that makes them feel comfortable.
Q: What do you offer for Children Sunday mornings?
A: Children and youth are an important part of life at North Runnymede. Most Sundays, we offer a popular multi-age program for children and youth. They join with the entire church family for the first part of the service and then go downstairs with their leaders. Children and youth explore and develop their relationship with each other and God through activities & and discussion in ways that are relevant to their lives. Additionally, the Youth Group often meets after the service to plan events and their participation in other church activities.
Q: Where are you located?
A: 33 Pritchard Ave, Toronto, Ontario (east of Jane St, north of St. Clair). There is parking available. The TTC 79A Scarlett Road bus route that runs between the Weston GO station and the Runnymede subway station stops on the corner across the street.
Q: What time do you meet?
A: Our services are every Sunday at 11 AM. They usually last 1 hour and are usually followed by a visiting time to meet everyone and share tea, coffee and a snack.
Q: Where do I go when I arrive?
A: When you come in the door and head up to the Sanctuary, you will be greeted by our Ushers to welcome you, and answer any questions you might have. You will be welcomed and given a red hymn book and a bulletin (order of service). Sit anywhere you like! As creatures of habit, many people sit in the same place each week, but be assured, there is no assigned seating! Do not be shy to introduce yourself and ask questions. We would love for you to join us to hang out and meet people after the service.
Q: Will I feel welcome at North Runnymede United Church?
A: We have made our church Accessible and want to invite ALL people to be a part of our church community. We are a diverse and friendly group. Everyone is welcome.
Q: What makes North Runnymede United Church different?
A: We are a friendly neighbourhood Church, who strives to be a central part of the community. We host very diverse programs for the community ranging from Scouts to seniors programs to vacation and March break childrens programming. We try to reach out to those in need as well, both in our local and global communities. We are striving to be inclusive and accessible to all. Most of all, though, we have fun building a sense of community together. And we want to invite you to join us.