Bible and Prayer Group

Prayer For The Week Ahead

Gracious God
We thank You for being with us at all times.
Especially, we are grateful that You accompany us in times of trouble and difficulties.
We turn to You for strength, peace and hope as we work our way through this Covid 19 virus.
Together and as individuals we turn to You. You have promised that you will never leave us or forsake us and we Trust in Your Word.

Our United Church of Canada says :
We are not alone. GOD is with us. THANKS be to God.
Help us to help one another in Jesus’ name as well. We pray for our World, Our Leaders, The Frontline Medical and EMS workers, Our Communities, the staff in Stores and pharmacies and businesses, Our Families and Friends, Ourselves.
In Jesus’ Name


Message From The Minister

If we cannot see everyone in person and in Worship and Events just now, we can still call, email, text , send a card.  Remember to Pray for each other.

Some Scriptures of Comfort for Today:
Psalm 46
Matthew.11: 28-30
Philippians.4: 4-8

God Bless You,